Reflections on Centenary Conferences of Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
Future and challenges of artificial intelligence in nursing education
隨著信息技術、⼈⼯智能、⼤數據分析和物聯網等前沿技術的進步,⼈⼯智能逐漸融入⾼等教育,護理教育也不例外。⼈⼯智能 在護理教育中的應⽤有助於增强學習體驗、提供個⼈化學習和進度追蹤、提⾼臨床決策能⼒及解決臨床實習機會不⾜等。然⽽,其挑戰包 括數據庫品質不佳導致偏差、倫理考量、⼈際關係缺乏以及護理教師對應⽤⼈⼯智能的分歧。護理教育雖有應⽤⼈⼯智能豐富教學⼿段, 但整體尚未達到智慧教育⽔準。未來需從培養⽬標、課程設置、教學組織、教學⽅式等多⽅⾯進⾏根本性變⾰。護理教育應協助學⽣正確 且負責任地使⽤⼈⼯智能,同時維護⼈⽂關懷(Caring)的護理核⼼價值。未來的護理教育核⼼⽬標是仍需以培養具有同理⼼和批判性思 維的護理⼈才。同時,適當有效地應⽤⼈⼯智能於教育中,以優化學⽣在醫療保健領域的準備,提早培育並儲備新⼀代護理⼈才。
With the advancement of information technology, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things(IoT), artificial intelligence is gradually integrating into higher education, and nursing education is no exception. The application of artificial intelligence in nursing education helps enhance learning experiences, provide personalized learning and progress tracking, improve clinical decision-making abilities, and address the shortage of clinical internship opportunities. However, challenges include biases due to poor database quality, ethical considerations, lack of interpersonal relationships, and disagreement among nursing educators regarding the use of artificial intelligence. Although nursing education has rich teaching methods with the application of artificial intelligence, it has not yet reached the level of smart education overall. In the future, fundamental reforms are needed in multiple aspects such as cultivating objectives, curriculum design, teaching organization, and teaching methods. Nursing education should assist students in using artificial intelligence correctly and responsibly while upholding the core values of caring. The future core objective of nursing education remains to cultivate nursing professionals with empathy and critical thinking, while appropriately and effectively integrating artificial intelligence into education to optimize students' preparation for the healthcare field, and to early cultivate and reserve a new generation of nursing talents.
artificial intelligence; nursing education; core competence; eHealth
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Wong, I. H. (2024). Future and challenges of artificial intelligence in nursing education. Macau Journal of Nursing, 23(1), 10-17.

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