Nursing Research
A study of relationships on nutrition knowledge, attitude and dietary behaviors of clinical nurses from a hospital in Macao
Zhijuan Zhu1,2, Sichen Wang1*
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1Kiang Wu College of Macau;2Kiang Wu Hospital of Macau
目的:探討澳⾨某醫院臨床護⼠營養知識、態度以及飲食⾏為現狀,分析影響因素並探討三者之間的關係。⽅法:採⽤橫斷式調查法之研 究設計,於 2021 年 12 ⽉至 2022 年 1 ⽉在澳⾨某醫院,采⽤⼀般情況調查表和營養知識、態度以及飲食⾏為量表對 198 名臨床護⼠進⾏問卷調查。 結果:臨床護⼠營養知識平均分為 15.33±3.75,營養態度平均分為 51.54±8.24,飲食⾏為平均分為 66.65±10.05︔營養知識與飲食⾏為顯⽰正相關(p <0.01)︔營養態度與飲食⾏為顯⽰正相關(p<0.001)。結論:(1)澳⾨某醫院臨床護⼠營養知識得分表現較好,但不同科別的護⼠營養知識得分 可⾒到不均衡︔營養態度及飲食⾏為得分中等。(2)性別及科別是影響營養知識的主要因素︔性別、年齡、⼯作年資以及職稱是影響營養態度以及 飲食⾏為的主要因素,營養知識來源於學校的占比較少。(3)澳⾨某醫院臨床護⼠營養知識與營養態度無明顯相關,營養知識及營養態度與飲食⾏ 為呈顯著關係。建議醫院可採取系統的培訓,可針對薄弱部分按照不同科別情況加強護⼠的營養知識培訓︔對年輕護⼠,⼯作年資低以及低職稱的護⼠加強相關營養態度及飲食⾏為的培訓。學校亦需加強學⽣營養知識的教學,重視營養教育,以此提升護⼠的營養知識。
Objective: The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of the nutritional knowledge, attitudes, and dietary behaviors of clinical nurses from a hospital in Macao, by analyzing the influencing factors and exploring the relationships between these factors. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive research design was performed from December 2021 to January 2022. A total of 198 clinical nurses from a hospital in Macao were selected as the research subjects. The questionnaire used in the survey consisted of the following sections: general demographics, nutritional knowledge, nutritional attitude, and dietary behavior. Results: The average nutritional knowledge score of clinical nurses was 15.33±3.75, while the average nutritional attitude score was 51.54±8.24. Meanwhile, the average dietary behavior score was 66.65±10.05. There was a positive correlation between nutritional knowledge and dietary behavior (p<0.01). Nutritional attitudes were positively correlated with dietary behaviors (p<0.001). Conclusion: (1) Nutritional knowledge of clinical nurses from a hospital in Macao scores relatively high, while nutritional attitude and dietary behavior scored are considered to be mediocre with room for improvement, with variations in scoring between different areas / departments. (2) Gender and medical specialty were the main factors that were linked to nutritional knowledge, while gender, age, working experience and professional title were the main factors that were tied to nutritional attitude and dietary behavior; it should be noted that the nutritional knowledge coming from an academic setting had a relatively minor contribution. (3) There are no significant correlations between nutritional knowledge and nutritional attitude, but there are significant correlations between nutritional knowledge and dietary behavior, as well as nutritional attitude and dietary behavior. It is suggested that hospitals adopt a systematic approach to training that targets the knowledge deficiencies in specific areas / departments, in order to strengthen overall nutritional knowledge of nurses; in addition, there should be targeted training on nutritional attitude and dietary behavior to junior, less experienced nurses. Academic institutions also need to strengthen the curriculum for nutritional education, in order to improve the overall nutritional knowledge of nurses.
Macao; clinical nurses; nutrition knowledge; nutrition attitude; dietary behaviors