Health Education
The current situation and development of traditional chinese medicine nursing and education in Macau
近來,中醫護理及教育的發展逐漸受到重視。澳⾨因獨特的煲湯飲食⽂化,使得中醫護理側重於中藥的使⽤及藥膳⽅⾯的護 理。雖然在居民⽇常⽣活中,中醫護理佔有重要的地位,但尚未有系統性的發展,其教育也還處在基礎的層⾯。⽬前,澳⾨的中醫護理 因臨床需求低、教育薄弱、發展資源分配不均,⽽限制了發展。因此,建議可根據澳⾨飲食特⾊,側重發展社區中醫護理︔並開設多元 的中醫護理課程,供各類護理⼈員選修︔以及成⽴中醫護理學術或社團組織,以專責中醫護理發展。
Recently, the development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) nursing and education has gradually received attention. Due to the unique diet culture of soup-making in Macau, TCM nursing focuses on the care of Chinese herbal medicine and medicated diet. Although TCM nursing occupies an important role in the daily life of residents in Macau, it has not yet been systematically developed, and its education is still at the basic level. Currently, the development of TCM nursing in Macau is limited due to low clinical demand, weak education, and uneven distribution of development resources. Therefore, it is suggested that the development strategies could focus on the community TCM nursing in accordance with the dietary characteristics of Macau, and provide a variety of TCM nursing courses for various nurses to choose from, and establish TCM nursing academic or community organizations to be responsible for the development of TCM nursing.
Macau; traditional chinese medicine; education
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Chuang, Y. C., Lam, C. F., & Choi, T. (2024). The current situation and development of traditional Chinese medicine nursing and education in Macau. Macau Journal of Nursing, 23(1), 26-31.

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