Health Education
Survey on users' opinion of "Outdoor Personal Emergency Response Service" in Macao
Sok Man Leong1*, Wei In Lei1, Lai Kun Tong1
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1Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
⽬的:了解「⼾外平安通」使⽤者對服務的意⾒。⽅法:為橫斷⾯描述性研究,於 2021 年 12 ⽉至 2022 年 1 ⽉期間以電話問卷調 查⽅式收集使⽤者對「⼾外平安通」服務的意⾒,共成功收集了 404 份有效問卷。結果:使⽤者的年齡由 11~99 歲,以女性、獨居為主︔ 超過八成受訪者在有需要時會主動按平安通⼿錶,但有⾼達 28.5% 使⽤者在外出時從不或只是有時戴平安通⼿錶。超過九成使⽤者對⼾外 平安通的整體服務表⽰滿意,⾼達 94.5% 使⽤者願意介紹⼾外平安通服務給朋友︔四個維度的滿意度依序為員⼯的服務態度(96.2%)、服 務收費(93.0%)、服務內容(92.2%)、服務⽅便性(85.0%)。結論:使⽤者對服務整體滿意度⾼,但結果顯⽰呼援中⼼仍需優化現有服務 的設備和功能,以及考慮開拓新服務,以持續提⾼服務質素及滿⾜不同使⽤者的期望。
Objective: To understand the users’ opinions of outdoor personal emergency response service (PERS) in Macao. Methods: A crosssectional descriptive study was conducted to collect users' opinions on the outdoor PERS by using a structured questionnaire through telephone interview. A total of 404 valid questionnaires were successfully collected from December 2021 to January 2022. Results: The age of users ranged from 11 to 99 years old, and they were mainly female and live alone. More than 80% of the respondents will press the device when necessary, however as many as 28.5% of users never or only sometimes wear the device when going out. More than 90% of users were satisfied with the overall service of outdoor PERS, and up to 94.5% of users were willing to recommend outdoor PERS to friends. The satisfaction rate of the four dimensions were the attitude of employees (96.2%), service charges (93.0%), service content (92.2%) and service convenience (85.0%) respectively. Conclusion: Users' overall satisfaction rate with the service is high, but the results also showed that the call center still need to optimize the device and functions of existing services and consider developing new services to continue to improve service quality and meet the expectations of different types of users.
outdoor personal emergency service; users' opinion; satisfaction rate