Focus Issues
The association between frailty status and different aspects of well-being of older adults in Macao: a community-based survey
Sok Leng Che1, Ka Kei Chao1*, I Lam Ho2, Man Chi Vai3
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1Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau; 2Centro Diurno Prazer para Idosos da Associação Geral das Mulheres de Macau; 3Health Bureau of Macao SAR Government; Project Funding: Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau (2019MAY01)
衰弱被視為一種與年齡相關的疾病,可能導致不良的健康結果。本研究的目的是了解澳門長者現時的衰弱狀況,並探討不同幸福感面向(包括身體、心理、社交、認知及自評健康)與衰弱的關係,以及其中的年齡差異。本研究為使用FRAIL量表評估社區長者衰弱程度的橫斷面調查。透過不同的工具和問題來評估身體、心理、社交和認知健康。使用邏輯斯迴歸模型分析幸福感的不同面向與虛弱狀態的關聯。在572份有效問卷中,參與者的平均年齡為74.6歲(65歲至94歲),23.77%處於衰弱前期/衰弱狀態。在只調整社 會人又學因素的模型中,PHQ-2得分較高(aOR=11.09,p<0.001)和自評健康較差(aOR=4.36,p<0.001)的參與者處於衰弱前期/衰 弱狀態的風險顯著較高。在調整各面向的幸福感後,此結果仍然存在。心理健康對衰弱前期/衰弱的影響在老年組(aOR=20.98,p<0.001)顯著高於年輕組(aOR=8.90,p<0.001)。自評健康在年輕組的效果(aOR=5.71,p<0.001)高於老年組(aOR=3.58,p=0.01)。心理健康狀況和自評健康較差的澳門老年人的衰弱風險較高。針對心理健康的介入是預防澳門長者衰弱的有效方法。這項發現也鼓勵針對改善心理健康的公共衛生政策。
Background: Frailty is considered an age-related condition, which can lead to unsatisfactory health outcomes. While many factors contribute to frailty, there is a lack of evidence on which aspect of related factors contribute the most in frailty. The purpose of the present study was to understand the current frailty status of older adults in Macao, and to investigate the association between different aspects of well-being (including physical, psychological, social, cognitive and self-rated health (SRH) and the age difference in frailty. Method: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a community. Frailty was assessed using the Fatigue, Resistance, Ambulation, Illness, Loss of Weight (FRAIL) scale. Physical, psychological, social, and cognitive well-being were assessed through different tools and questions. Logistic regression models were used to analyze the association of different aspects of well-being with frailty status. Results: Among 572 valid responses, the mean age was 74.6 (range from 65 to 94), 23.77% were in pre-frail/frail status. In models only adjusted for sociodemographic factors, participants with higher PHQ-2 scores (aOR=11.09, p<0.001) and poor SRH (aOR=4.36, p<0.001) had a significantly higher risk of being in pre-frail/frail status. The results remained after adjusting all aspects of well-being. The effect of psychological well-being on pre-frail/frail was significant higher in the older age group (aOR=20.98, p<0.001) than in the younger age group (aOR=8.90, p<0.001). The effect of SRH was higher in the younger age group (aOR=5.71, p<0.001) than in the older age group (aOR=3.58, p=0.01). Conclusions: Older adults in Macao with poor psychological well-being and SRH have higher risk of being frail. Intervention that targets psychological well-being might be an effective way to prevent frailty among older adults in Macao. This finding also encourages public health policy targeting psychological well-being improvement.
frailty; psychological well-being; self-rated health; older adults; Macao