Nursing Heritage and Innovation
My lifetime as a nurse - more than five-decade nursing services
Siu Ha Lo1*
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*Corresponding author:
1Nurses Association of Macau
作者以自傳形式回顧成為護士的經歷。將自己50多年漫長的護士職業生涯以十年為限劃分為5個階段。第一個十年是踏入護理和職業起步階段;第二個十年是在不同臨床護理崗位的專業成長階段;第三個十年是走上護理管理崗位推動澳門護理發展的階段;第四個十年達到職業發展頂峰階段,獲得南丁格爾獎章,並帶領澳門護理走出澳門,加強國內和國際合作;第五個十年是從正式護理崗位退休,走進社區,發揮餘熱,推動澳門長者服務的階段。作為資深臨床護理者和護理管理者,作者見證了澳門護理的發展,也以自身力量推動澳門 護理的發展,實踐了護理的本質—為人類的健康服務。
The author described her long life as a nurse. Her long-term career in nursing is divided into five-decade stages. The first decade is characterized by her embarking on nursing school and subsequentially into clinical practice as a neophyte. The second decade is characterized by the author's professional growth in different clinical settings. In the third decade, the author was promoted into nursing management positions and began to advance the development of nursing profession as a whole. The author reached the peak of career development in the fourth decade, when she won the Nightingale Medal Laureate and capitalized on her influential power to strengthen domestic and international cooperation. The author retired from formal nursing positions in the fifth decade and entered the community where she promoted elder adult services in Macau. Throughout her lifetime as a senior clinical nurse and nursing administrator, the author has witnessed the nursing development in Macau, and at the same time has committed to advancing nursing practices. Her long-term devotion and commitment to nursing profession has highlighted the essence of nursing -serving health and wellbeing for human beings.
nurse; nursing; Macau