Nursing Heritage and Innovation
2019 冠狀病毒病疫情下對護生臨床實踐安排之思考
A reflection on the arrangement of nursing student clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic
2019冠狀病毒病疫情全球大流行。2020年4月29日以來全國疫情防控進入常態化,保持社交距離及限制流動的政策為傳統的醫學教育教學方法帶來挑戰,亦為護生臨床實踐帶來改變。本文從提升疫情下臨床教學應急管理能力、確保安全健康的教學環境、創新混合多元化臨床教學方式、注重護生在臨床實踐中的心理支援、加大推進虛擬與臨床實踐相結合的構建等方面進行分析。疫情下以人為本、預防為主、全面協調,為綜合培養護生臨床實踐能力提供思路。疫情下積累的經驗也將為疫情後建立更開放、更包容和更靈活的臨床實踐教 學體系奠定基礎。
The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a global pandemic since March 2020. In April 2020, the pandemic preventions in China had become routines. Social distancing and restrictive movement policies have brought challenges to traditional educational practices. Clinical practice for nursing students has also changed as a result of the imposed preventive measures. This article analyzes a range of adaptations caused by the pandemic in clinical study arrangements, including improving teaching management capabilities, ensuring a safe and healthy teaching environment, innovating mixed and diversified clinical teaching methods, focusing on the training of nursing students communication and psychological support, and promoting the combination of virtual and clinical practice. A reflection on the arrangements is made focusing on prevention and comprehensive coordination under the situation of normalized COVID-19 prevention. The experiences gained under the pandemic contexts will inform the establishment of a more open, more inclusive and more flexible clinical learning system in the post-pandemic time.
COVID-19; nursing students; clinical practice; clinical teaching
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王思琛(2023)。2019 冠狀病毒病疫情下對護生臨床實踐安排之思考。澳門護理雜誌,22(1),17-21。
Wang, S. (2023). A reflection on the arrangement of nursing student clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic. Macau Journal of Nursing, 22(1), 17-21.

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