Clinical Nursing
運用 Watson 關懷理論於急性心肌炎病童之護理經驗
A nursing experience by using Watson's caring theory in taking care of an acute myocarditis child
Ya Wen Chan1*
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1Department of Nursing, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, China
急性心肌炎;學齡期;住院壓力;Watson 關懷理論
Acute myocarditis is known as the most important pediatric disease and it is difficult to be diagnosed in clinic treatment. If a patient with acute myocarditis is not diagnosed and implement aggressive treatment in early stage, the golden treatment time will be missed. Therefore, it is very important for pediatric nurses to closely observe and give appropriate nursing treatment for acute myocarditis children. This article investigated the nursing caring experience of a school-age acute myocarditis child and a caregiver by using Watson's caring theory. The author found the patient had the nursing problems including "reduced cardiac output" and "recreational activity limitation" by applying Gordon 11 functional health evaluation items. In addition, the caregiver had the nursing problem of "caregiver role strain". The authors used the caring spirit of Watson theory as guidelines of nursing care to give supports of expression and emotion for the patient. The authors timely provided disease-related information and discussed the follow-up treatment on the disease with the patient's mother. Moreover, the researchers played a role of a listener and caregiver in the care process to assist the patient and his mother to live through the acute phase of the disease. The nursing experience of this case can be used as a reference for similar cases in the future.
acute myocarditis; school-age; hospitalized pressure; Watson's caring theory