Nursing Research
Inpatients' perception of nursing services: a Meta-synthesis of qualitative studies
目的:對住院患者對護理服務感知與體驗的文章進行整合分析,為進一步深化優質護理服務提供參考。方法:檢索電子資料庫CINAHL、Science Direct、Pub Med、Cochrane Library & JBI、中國知網、萬方數據,所有相關住院患者感知護理服務的質性研究,檢索時限為建庫至2020年3月。採用2016年澳洲JBI循證衛生保健中心對質性研究品質的方法學品質評價工具對納入文獻進行品質評鑒,用彙集性整合的方法對結果進行整合。結果:共納入11項研究,萃取出8個清晰的子類屬,將相似類屬進行整合,最終匯合成3個主題類屬:1.人文關懷感知,包含人文關懷行為與人文關懷環境、護患溝通及個性化服務三個子類屬;2.倫理道德感知,包含隱私保護與尊重及決策過程兩個子類屬;3.需求滿足感知,包含物理環境需求、減輕痛苦需求與資訊需求三個子類屬。結論:本研究採用質性研究整合分析方法,通過系統分析與整合患者對住院的體驗感知,反思護理服務質素水準與醫院管理策略,為制定與實施全面優質管理措施提供依據。
Objective: To systematically evaluate the perception and experience of inpatients on nursing services. Methods: Studies investigating the perception and experience on nursing services of inpatients with qualitative research design were electronically searched from six databases, including CINAHL, Science Direct, Pub Med, Cochrane Library & JBI, CNKI, and Wan Fang Data from inception to March 2020. The results were evaluated by using the 2016 Australian Quality Assessment Criteria for JBI Evidence-Based Health Care Center and the pooled integration approach to integrate the results. Results: A total of 11 studies were included and synthesized into eight clear sub-categories results; with further analysis and integrations, three final integrated theme categories were: 1. Perception of humanistic care, including three sub-categories: humanistic care behavior and humanistic care environment, nurse-patient communication, and personalized service; 2. Perception of ethical service, including two sub-categories: privacy protection and respect and decision-making process ; and 3. Perception of satisfaction of care needs, including three sub-categories: physical environment needs, pain relief needs, and information needs. Conclusion: Review and reflection on the quality of nursing services and hospital management strategies through patients' real experiences during their hospitalization could provide a basis for formulating comprehensive quality management measures to improve overall nursing service quality.
inpatients; perception; nursing service quality; qualitative research; Meta-integration
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Un, U., Liu, M., Yuan, H., & Wang, Y. (2021). Inpatients' perception of nursing services: a Meta-synthesis of qualitative studies. Macau Journal of Nursing, 20(1), 9-16.

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