Special Collection - Nursing Fighting COVID-19 Infection
Preventions of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia infections in a hospital ward with advanced kidney disease patients
Patients with advanced kidney disease are more susceptible to Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NPC) infection than other people because of the detrimental immune system with the patients. It is important for health professionals to protect the patients with advanced kidney disease in their daily services. This article describes preventive strategies taken by health professionals in the kidney ward in a hospital in Mianyang, Sichuan, China, including establishment of an executive team, development of dialysis procedures, investigation of admitted patients epidemiology history related to NCP, and training of health professionals. Thanks to the implementation of these measures, together with the overall success of control in Mianyang, no NCP infections were detected among the patients in the ward. While these measures might have been affective during NCP epidemic, they may also be effective to control hospital-associated infections in other circumstances.
COVID-19; advanced kidney disease; prevention; hospital-associated infection
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Ai, Y., Yu, X., Hu, J., & Liu, M. (2020). Preventions of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia infections in a hospital ward with advanced kidney disease patients. Macau Journal of Nursing, 19(2), 25-29. https://doi.org/10.6729/MJN.202012_19(2).007

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