Special Collection - Nursing Fighting COVID-19 Infection
Prevention strategies and management for response to COVID-19 in Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
Schools have an important role in taking steps to prevent the introduction and spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) into communities. Facing the new type of coronavirus, Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau has responded quickly. They have made response plan to prevention and control of the epidemic situation. Such protective measures have been made primarily in the following areas which include: adjustment of the epidemic prevention management structure, improvement of the management mechanism, guidance for epidemic prevention management plans, implementation of the individual protection of staff and students, controlling personnel flow and innovative teaching, mental health maintenance and provision of the psychological counselling services, ensuring adequate supplies to support cleaning and disinfection practices, environmental measures for intensifying cleaning and disinfection efforts. These measures, which are protecting students and staff, have ensured a safe and healthy teaching and learning environment. The college has still been performing higher education functions.
COVID-19; prevention strategies; college; management
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Wang, S. C., Leong, K. L., Wong Lee, J., Wong, K. K., & Xing, Z. H. (2020). Prevention strategies and management for response to COVID-19 in Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau. Macau Journal of Nursing, 19(1), 7-11. https://doi.org/10.6729/MJN.202009_19(1).004

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Est. Repouso No. 35, R/C, Macau

