Special Collection - Nursing Fighting COVID-19 Infection
Prevention of COVID-19 pandemic in Macao: experience from the MengFai nursing home
The COVID-19 has now spread to a global outbreak from China since December 2019, more than 1.5 million people have been infected and more than 90000 have died all over the world. There are 45 cases diagnosed in Macau. The elderly, especially with long-term diseases is the most susceptible population. Thus, the infection prevention and control is very important in nursing homes. This paper reviews the experiences from Mengfai nursing home in COVID pandemic since January 2020, to share the prevention and control of the pandemic with other nursing staff working in communities.
COVID-19; infection control; nursing home
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Lu, Y. Y. (2020). Prevention of COVID-19 pandemic in Macao: experience from the MengFai nursing home. Macau Journal of Nursing, 19(1), 18-22. https://doi.org/10.6729/MJN.202009_19(1).006

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