Nursing Management
Research Progress on Toxic Leadership Behaviors in Nursing Managers
毒性領導⾏為是⼀種消極的管理⽅式,在護理管理中尤為突出。該⾏為不僅影響護理⼈員的⼼理健康和職業滿意度,還破壞團 隊合作,降低護理服務品質。本⽂從護理管理者毒性領導⾏為現狀、評估⼯具、影響因素、危害及應對⽅式⽅⾯進⾏綜述,並為應對毒 性領導問題提出多項⼲預策略,包括:提⾼領導者的管理能⼒,通過培訓和發展計劃增強其領導技能︔學會讓護理⼈員勇敢地表達⾃⼰ 的想法︔改善護理⼈員的⼯作環境,提供更多的⼼理⽀持等。從⽽能夠更早識別和⼲預潛在毒性領導者,提⾼護理管理⽔準,改善護理 管理品質。
Toxic leadership behavior is a kind of negative management style, which is especially prominent in nursing management. This behavior not only affects the mental health and career satisfaction of nursing staff, but also destroys teamwork and reduces the quality of nursing services. This paper reviews the status quo of toxic leadership behaviors, assessment tools, influencing factors, hazards and coping styles of nursing managers. In order to deal with toxic leadership problems, this paper proposes a number of intervention strategies, including: improving leaders' management ability and enhancing their leadership skills through training and development programs; learning to let caregivers speak their minds bravely; improving the working environment of nursing staff and provide more psychological support. Thus, potential toxic leaders can be identified and intervened earlier, and the level and the quality of nursing management can be improved.
Nursing managers; Toxic leadership behavior; Influencing factor; Intervention strategies; Review
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Chen, Q., Wang, S., & Wang, W. (2024). Research progress on toxic leadership behaviors in nursing managers. Macau Journal of Nursing, 23(2), 1-7.

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