Health Education
The impact of home-school cooperating health education based on the Health Belief Model on myopia prevention in primary school students in Macau
Xuan Gao1,2, Ka U Ng1, Cheng Wa Ng1, I Lam Chan1, Chi Pek Wong1, San Nei Chio1, Yi Wen1, Jianwei Wu1*
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1Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau; 2Medicine School of Hunan Normal University, China
⽬的:評估基於健康信念模型的家校合作健康教育對澳⾨⼩學⽣近視預防的影響。⽅法:2023年 11 ⽉ 17 ⽇至 12 ⽉ 15 ⽇,研 究團隊實施為期四週的⼲預(N=64)。包括健康教育講座、健康教育⼩冊⼦、視⼒保健記錄卡,以及向家長推廣預防近視的影⽚並回收 家長回饋問卷。採⽤配對 t 檢驗比較⼲預前後⼩學⽣視⼒保健知識、健康信念及近視預防⾏為的得分差異。並通過描述性統計分析評估 家長監督學童採⽤護眼⾏為的總體情況。結果:⼲預後,學⽣視⼒保健知識得分顯著提⾼(從 6.14±1.66 分提⾼到 8.05±0.81 分,t=- 8.209,p<0.001)︔健康信念得分顯著提⾼(從 62.92±19.14 分提⾼到 77.88±19.81 分,t=-16.010,p<0.001),其中在⾃覺近視嚴重性、保 健利益性和障礙性三個維度上均有統計學意義︔視⼒保健⾏為得分顯著提⾼(從 33.61±8.94 分提⾼到 46.34±6.08 分,t=-8.708, p<0.001)。家長回饋問卷顯⽰,家長監督學童採⽤護眼⾏為的平均得分是 2.59±0.88 分,介於「經常」和「有時」之間。結論:運⽤健 康信念模型的近視預防健康教育計劃顯著提升了澳⾨⼩學⽣的視⼒保健知識、健康信念及近視預防⾏為。家校合作為提升學⽣視⼒健康 提供了重要⽀援,但家長在監督護眼⾏為⽅⾯仍有較⼤提升空間。
Objective: To evaluate the impact of a home-school cooperation health education program based on the Health Belief Model on myopia prevention among primary school students in Macau. Methods: From November 17 to December 15, 2023, the research team implemented a four-week intervention (N=64). This included health education lectures, health education booklets, vision health record cards, and the promotion of myopia prevention videos to parents with the collection of feedback questionnaires. Paired t-tests were used to compare the differences in scores for vision health knowledge, health beliefs, and myopia prevention behaviors among primary school students before and after the intervention. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the overall situation of parental supervision of children's adoption of eye-protective behaviors. Results: After the intervention, students' vision health knowledge scores significantly increased (from 6.14±1.66 to 8.05±0.81, t=-8.209, p<0.001); health belief scores significantly increased (from 62.92±19.14 to 77.88±19.81, t=-16.010, p<0.001), with statistical significance in the three dimensions of perceived severity of myopia, benefits of health protection, and barriers; vision health behavior scores significantly increased (from 33.61±8.94 to 46.34±6.08, t=-8.708, p<0.001). Parental feedback questionnaires showed that the average score for parental supervision of children's adoption of eye-protective behaviors was 2.59±0.88, falling between "often" and "sometimes". Conclusion: The myopia prevention health education program based on the Health Belief Model significantly improved the vision health knowledge, health beliefs, and myopia prevention behaviors of primary school students in Macau. Home-school cooperation provided important support for enhancing students' vision health, but there is still considerable room for improvement in parental supervision of eye-protective behaviors.
Primary school students; Myopia preventive; Health education; Health Belief Model; Home-school cooperation