醫護人員採用 COVID 預防措施動機調查:三種模型指導下的措施對比
Chizimuzo T. C. Okoli1*, Zainab Almogheer1, Sarret Seng1, Bassema Abufarsakh1, Wanqing Xie2
1University of Kentucky College of Nursing, USA;2West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, China
Motivation for adopting COVID preventive practices among healthcare workers: a cross-sectional analysis of three competing models
Chizimuzo T. C. Okoli1*, Zainab Almogheer1, Sarret Seng1, Bassema Abufarsakh1, Wanqing Xie2
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1University of Kentucky College of Nursing, USA; 2 West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, China
Background: Healthcare workers’ risk perceptions towards contracting Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) may determine their adoption of preventive behaviors. The adoption of six-feet physical distancing and wearing face coverings reduces the spread of COVID-19 in the community setting. Three theoretical models, the Health Belief Model (HBM), the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) have been used to determine the adoption of preventive practices in relation to infectious diseases. Objective: We examined the association between measures of behavioral models guiding preventive practices and using COVID-19 preventive practices (physical distancing and face coverings) among healthcare workers. Methods: A cross-sectional study using an electronic survey of healthcare workers (N=279) in the southeastern United States. Results: Of the HBM measures, the perceived severity and benefits subscales were associated with physical distancing. Of the PMT measures, the perceived severity and response efficacy subscales were associated with physical distancing, whereas the vulnerability, extrinsic reward, and intention subscales were associated with facial coverings. Finally, no TPB measures were directly associated with outcome measures. Conclusions: Future studies may assess how theoretically derived measures may be useful in guiding interventions to support preventive practices adoption among healthcare workers in future infectious disease public health situations.
COVID-19; preventive practices; Theory of Planned Behavior; Protection Motivation Theory; Health Belief Model