百健賡續 繼往開來 — 澳門鏡湖護理學院創校100周年
Century of perseverance build on our achievements & begin a fresh chapter — KWNC 100th Anniversary
Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau (KWNC) is a nursing and educational institute that possesses 100 years of history. At the start of establishment, from a (Kiang Wu) hospital-operated Senior Nursing Occupational School, until it became a college that offers higher education programmes for 25 years, KWNC has successfully carried out Institutional Accreditation, doctor of philosophy Programme Accreditation, master's Programme Reviews conducted by international and prestigious quality assurance agencies, and effectively performed Nursing Education Accreditation conducted by Higher Education Evaluation Center of the Ministry of Education. Now the College has formed a comprehensive three- level teaching system from bachelor's, master's to doctoral degrees, with the aim to develop into a renowned higher education institute in Guangdong- Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. In retrospect, with 100 years of development progress, trial and error, and concerted efforts, KWNC has finely developed teaching and research, actively served the society, and taken on new challenges during the new era. The ability to endure hardships for pioneer work is the spiritual wealth and foundation of the College, while integrity and innovation are KWNC's development momentum and missions. To discover, organise, review, and conclude the 100 years of the College history, there are three education experiences and methods. Firstly, respond to social needs, high standard of education and high quality of development. Secondly, uphold Kiang Wu spirit and promote`From Personhood to Benevolence' educational philosophy. Thirdly, integrate eastern and western cultures, rigorous and standardised management, and planned development. The second century of the College will be an exhilarating new journey, with vast experiences, KWNC will exert its strengths and begin a fresh chapter.
Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau; nursing education; nurses; courses; new chapter
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尹一橋、邢志紅、伍慧兒(2023)。百健賡續 繼往開來 — 澳門鏡湖護理學院創校100周年。澳門護理雜誌,22(1),1-6。https://doi.org/10.6729/MJN.202309_22(1).001
Van, I. K., Xing, Z., & Ng, W. I. (2023). Century of perseverance build on our achievements & begin a fresh chapter — KWNC 100th Anniversary. Macau Journal of Nursing, 22(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.6729/MJN.202309_22(1).001


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