The SWOT analysis of the prospect of prescriptive authority for nurses in Macau
Jiaxi Xu1, Aimei Mao2*
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1Master of Nursing Programme Student, Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau; 2Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
本文使用態勢分析法(SWOT Analysis, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)探討在護士處方權的授予成為全球趨勢下,澳門專科護士獲得處方權的可行性,以提升專科護士臨床決策地位,增加職業認同感,提高護理服務質量。態勢分析揭示了影響澳門專科護士處方權獲得的內外環境因素,並通過矩陣方式對護士處方權獲得提出建議。態勢分析揭示,澳門開放專科護士處方權優勢包括專科護理組織機構、專科護理臨床實踐基礎和基礎護理培訓體系,劣勢包括加重現時專科護士工作負荷以及缺乏足夠課程培訓高級實踐護理人才;機遇來自日益增加的大灣區專科護理人才和培訓項目之間的合作交流;威脅存在可能受到醫療系統處方權現有者和相關專業人士的質疑。矩陣分析顯示澳門專科護理處方權的獲得有現實可能性,但仍需要解決醫療系統內部困境和外部政策支持不足的限制。
Gaining prescriptive authority can enhance the status of specialist nurses in the clinical decision-making processes, and increase their sense of professional identity, and thus improve the quality of healthcare offered by the specialist nurses. The issue of granting prescriptive authority to specialist nurses is attracting increasing discussions worldwide. This article is to explore the feasibility of granting prescriptive authority to specialist nurses in Macau by using SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats). The analysis can reveal the internal and external environmental factors affecting the prescriptive authority to be granted to specialist nurses in Macau. The matrix analysis inherent in the SWOT provides directions for future actions. The SWOT analysis reveals that the strengths in granting the prescription right of specialist nurses include the foundations in the existing administrative management structure, specialized nursing practices, and the systematic nursing training programs; the weaknesses include the increased workload of nursing practitioners and lack of sufficient training programs for advanced practice nurses; the opportunities come from the increasing cooperation opportunities for advanced clinical nurses and advanced nursing programs in the Greater Bay Area; threats come from non-nursing health professionals who may question the legitimacy of nurses' prescribing rights. The SWOT matrix confirms the possibility and reasonability that the nurses in Macau can be authorized with the prescriptive power. However, prescriptive authority for nurses can only become practical when the barriers within the healthcare systems and the restrictions of insufficient external policy support are addressed successfully.
prescriptive authority; specialist nurse; SWOT analysis; Macau