Constructing the reliability and validity of belief scale and self-efficacy scale on the communication of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Hsiao Yun Chang1*, Chia Lun Lo2, Chiu Hsiang Wu3
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1School of Nursing, Fooyin University, Taiwan, China; 2School of Health-Business Administration, Fooyin University, Taiwan, China; 3Kaohsiung Municipal Kai-Syuan Psychiatric Hospital, Taiwan, China
本文採量表編製方法分三階段進行:一為量表編製、二為內容效度共識、三為信效度驗證,以方便取樣方式,研究對象為工作滿一年之執業護理師,共752人參與,應用SPSS for Window 22版統計套裝軟體及AMOS 24.0版本進行資料統計分析。兩個量表之探索性因素分析各萃取出三個因素:溝通信念量表依序為價值觀念、角色職責及核心素養,共17題,累積解釋變異量達63.80%;溝通自我效能量表依序為思維動機、照護能力及關懷技巧,共10題,累積解釋量達59.29%。在進行驗證性因素分析,兩個量表之適配指標皆良好,具有建構效度。兩個量表內部一致性α信度皆在0.80以上。透過本量表可了解護理人員對與病人使用輔助與另類療法之溝通現況,亦可供相關護理教育設計的參考,並利用此量表作為教育成效評估之依據。
Scale development method with three stages: questionnaire preparation, consensus on content validity, and measurements of reliability and validity was undertaken. A convenience sampling was used to recruit registered nurses who have a year working experience. A total of 752 data went for statistical analysis using the SPSS for Window version 22 software and the AMOS version 24.0. The exploration factor analysis extracted three factors on both scales. The belief scale contained the following factors: value belief, role responsibility and core competency with a total of 17 item and 63.80% of total variances. The self-efficacy scale contained the following factors: motivation, care capability and caring skill with 59.29% of total variances. The confirmatory factor analysis of model-fit indexes showed good fitting which indicated an optimal construct validity. The internal consistency α coefficients is above 0.80 for both scales. Through these scales, we can understand how nurses communicate with patients regarding their use of complementary and alternative medicine, which could be used for the design of related nursing education as well as the outcome assessment of this educational program.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM); communication; belief; self-efficacy; scale development