A survey on the mental health status of mild COVID-19 patients and their satisfaction with humanistic care in a square shelter hospital
Heping Yang1, Yuejun Xu1, Jinfeng Shao2*
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1Wuchang University of Technology, China;2Hubei Provincial Hospital of TCM, China
目的:探討方艙醫院人文關懷對新冠肺炎輕症患者的影響,為今後應對突發公共衛生事件提供參考。方法:選擇2020年2月5日至2月15日在武漢市一家方艙醫院住院的新冠肺炎輕症患者295例作為研究對象,採用Zung焦慮自評量表(SAS)、Zung抑鬱自評量表(SDS)、阿森斯失眠自評表(Athens Insomnia Scale, AIS)、狀態–特質憤怒表達量表(State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory, STAX)對入院和出院患者開展心理狀態評估;施行有溫度的醫護服務、生活照顧、心理疏導和豐富的健身和娛樂活動等人文關懷措施,在患者出院時按照很好、好、較好、一般、不好5個等級開展滿意度調查。結果:大部分患者入院時表現出心理問題,其中95.25%(92.19-97.15%)表現出恐慌,55.93%(50.22-61.48%)表現出焦慮,54.92%(49.22-60.50%)表現出失眠。出院時患者心理問題得到很大程度改善,恐慌的比例降低到12.07%(8.65-16.05%),焦慮比例降低到9.31%(6.36-12.99%),失眠比例降低到6.90%(4.43-10.24%)。95%以上的患者對於醫生、護士和心理疏導感到滿意。結論:方艙醫院人文關懷是打好新冠肺炎疫情阻擊戰的非常關鍵的一環,方艙醫院的人文關懷經驗值得推廣應用。
Objective: To explore the effect of humanistic care on COVID-19 mild patients in square shelter hospital, providing a reference for the prevention and control of public health emergencies in future. Method: A total of 295 patients with mild COVID-19 infection admitted to a square shelter hospital in Wuhan from February 5 to February 15, 2020 were selected. The psychological state of the patients was assessed by Zung SelfRating Anxiety Scale (SAS), Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (SDS), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) at the hospital admission time and discharge time. Humanistic care measures such as heartwarming medical services, life care, psychological counseling, and various relaxation and recreation activities were implemented. The patients were evaluated the levels of satisfaction with the measures at the discharge time. Result: Most of the patients had psychological problems at the beginning of hospitalization, with 95.25% (92.19-97.15%), 55.93% (50.22-61.48%), and 54.92% (49.22-60.50%) suffering panic, anxiety, and insomnia, respectively. Re-evaluation at the discharge time showed that the proportion of the patients who suffered panic reduced to 12.07% (8.65-16.05%), and the proportions with anxiety and insomnia reduced to 9.31% (6.36-12.99%) and 6.90% (4.43-10.24%), respectively. More than 95% of the patients were satisfied with the services provided by physicians and nurses and the psychological counseling services. Conclusion: The humanistic care provided by square shelter hospitals is a key measurement to fight against COVID-19 pandemic. It is worth promoting and applying to other healthcare facilities.
Square Shelter Hospital; humanistic care; COVID-19; mild cases; psychological problems