Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Infection and Infectious Diseases in Macau
Hui Wang1, Pak Leng Cheong1, Jianwei Wu1, Iat Kio Van1*
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1Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
近年來新興傳染病不斷流行,從嚴重急性呼吸系統綜合症(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, SARS)到新型冠狀病毒感染(Novel Coronavirus Infection, NCI),其爆發和傳播難以預測和管理。預防接種是目前澳門傳染病防治重要的策略之一,輸入性和群集性是澳門傳染病的傳播特點。在國際旅遊高度發展的現代社會,傳染病防控以預防輸入為主,也是目前NCI疫情控制的最關鍵措施。澳門特區政府公佈了一系列針對NCI預防策略,包括入境限制、賭場停業、停工停學、供應口罩等,在民眾的積極配合下取得顯著成效,新發病例維持於較低水平,可以為全世界疫情防治提供參考。通過回顧澳門近年來傳染病流行特點及抗疫經驗,結合此次針對NCI防預做法,文章提出澳門地區防治傳染病需要與時俱進,建立長期有效的傳染病防治機制,提升民眾傳染病防治的警覺性,意義重大而深遠。
Emerging infectious diseases (EID) have been attacking human more frequently in recent decades, including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Novel Coronavirus Infection (NCI). The spread and transmission of EID is very difficult to predict and manage. Imported and clustered infectious disease cases are the main characteristics of transmission in Macau. To curb infectious disease outbreak in Macau, an international tourist hot spot, prevention of imported cases is very important. A series of anti-NCI measures have been taken in Macau since the first case was detected, such as border control, lockdown of casinos, closure of companies and schools, and regular supplies of face masks for the population, etc. These measures have achieved a great success, manifested by a low level of NCI infection. This article, based on experiences of prevention and control of infectious diseases in the past decades, and the current ongoing fighting against NCI, suggested some improvements in curbing infectious diseases in Macau in future.
COVID-19; infectious diseases; epidemics; prevention; control