Reflection on the bed management in a general isolation of a designated hospital for patients with COVID-19 infection
Yaling Liu 1*, Sijian Li2
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1West China Second University Hospital, Sichuan University, China; 2School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
探討新型冠狀病毒肺炎定點醫院普通隔離病房床位管理的辦法,根據病情輕重期望傳染病病人得到有效救治、預防交叉感染,實現早日痊癒、身心健康。基於實踐提出定點醫院普通隔離病房以下三個問題:1)同時存在輕症、普通型、重型及危重型病人,輕重症患者混合收治;2)存在醫患間溝通不暢問題;3)病區生活自理能力受損病人部分生活需求不能及時滿足。提出三個方面具體建議:1)根 據病情嚴重程度分區收治,重症/危重病人集中安置於病區人員流動較少區域,非重症的軀體生活自理能力受損病人集中安置於護士站附近;2)將不同語言能力的患者安排在同一病房,以便能熟練使用普通話及武漢方言的患者為那些僅能使用方言的患者提供翻譯服務;3)調整工作安排,為重症/危重症患者集中提供生活護理,也鼓勵輕中症患者的自我照顧和患者間的相互幫助和照顧。這些措施可以有效地提高護理品質,減少溝通障礙,維護病人的心理健康,最後提出的床位管理辦法在有類似問題的病房也有部分借鑒意義。
To ensure that the patients with COVID-19 infection have timely access to effective treatments, reducing the rate of cross infection and promoting early recovery, this paper aimed to explore a bed management method based on the severity of illness in a general isolation ward in a designated hospital. The paper addressed the following three problems: 1) a mixture of patients with mild, ordinary, severe and critical symptoms in one ward; 2) ineffective communication between patients and health professionals due to language barriers; 3) the un-met living needs of patients with impaired self-care ability. Three suggestions were proposed. Firstly, patients should be placed in different areas based on the severity of illness. The severe and critical patients should be allocated in the quiet areas with less staff movement and those with mild and moderate symptoms be placed in a centralized area to be monitored collectively; secondly, the patients with different language abilities should be placed in the same ward, so that those who can speak both mandarin and local dialect can act as translators; thirdly, nursing care responsibilities should be re-structured. More workforce should be allocated for the severe and critical patients whereas the non-severe patients are encouraged to self-care and mutual help. The measures are expected to improve the nursing quality, reduce communication problems between health professionals and patients, improve the patients' psychological health and promote patients' recovery.
COVID-19; Isolation Ward; bed management; designated hospital