The effect of smart phone fitness APP on college students' exercise habit
Zhirong Xu1,2*, Fong Io Chao1,3, Jie Yu1,3, Sut Man Hoi1,3, Xiao Xia Hu2**
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1Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Supplementary) Programme Student, Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau; 2Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau; 3University Hospital of Macau
背景:互聯網技術和智能終端設備飛速發展,現代社會人們越來越傾向於靜態生活方式。另一方面,現代科技也催生了基於智能平臺的運動程式,此種新型運動干預方法更加受到年輕一代的關注。大學生是智能手機使用者的主體,對新的事物接受快,運動類APP的功能可以使大學生這一群體滿足鍛煉需求,提供了一個很好的培養運動習慣的平臺。目的:本文通過回顧大學生使用運動APP對其運動習慣培養效用文獻。方法:通過在“知網、萬方、PubMed、EBSCO”等文獻資料庫及門戶網站輸入APP、運動、大學生、運動習慣、exercise、sports、fitness smart phone APP、college students、university students、exercise habits等中英文關鍵字選取2012至2018年中英文關於運動類APP對大學生運動影響的全文文章。結果:去除不與運動或大學生相關及綜述類的文章,篩選出APP與大學生運動習慣相關的24篇作為分析,其中15篇中文文獻,9篇為英文文獻。綜合文獻結果顯示運動APP對大學生的運動行為及習慣有積極的影響,表現為對運動習慣有促進作用以及對身體形態、身體機能、和身體素質等體質健康指標都有不同程度的提高,但是以APP為形式的干預未見有 超越15周以上者,顯示長期成效還有待觀察。結論:運動APP對大學生的運動習慣以及體質改變短期成效明顯,但長遠成效仍有待進一步跟踪研究。
運動健身;大學生;運動習慣培養;運動類 APP
Background: With the rapid development of internet technology and smart devices, people in modern society are more and more inclined to sedentary lifestyle. However, these technologies have also promoted physical activities, which attract increasing attention from the young generation. College students are the main group of smart phone users because they are quick to accept new things. The function of smart phone APP can enable college students to meet their exercise needs and provide a good platform to cultivate sports habits. Objective: This paper reviews the literature on the effects of smart phone APP on college students' exercise habits. Methods: Relevant studies were searched by using various keywords, including exercise, sports, fitness or smart phone APP, college or university students, exercise habits and other key words in both Chinese and English languages full text article which published in 2012 to 2018. The search was performed in both Chinese and English popular databases, such as CNKI, WanFang, PubMed, EBSCO and portal websites. Results: After eliminating irrelevant articles, 24 articles were identified , which included 15 Chinese and 9 English articles. These articles showed that APP had a positive influence for college students, the APP can help the students to cultivate exercising habits; it has improved the students' physical health indicators, such as body figure, physical skills and physical quality to varying degrees. However, the APP interventions described by the articles lasted no more than 15 weeks and as a result, the long-term effect remained to be observed. Conclusion: Smart phone APP interventions have positive impacts on college students' exercising habit and physical functioning on a short-term base. More research studies are needed to obverse long time effects.
exercise; college students; exercise habits cultivation; fitness APP