A Study on the Current Status of Health Education Ability of Vocational Adult Nursing Undergraduates and Its Influencing Factors
Hanying Guo1,2, Qian Chen1,2, Xing Xie1, Jingjing Fu1, Xiaotian Lei1, Guifei Li1*
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1Hunan Normal University; 2 Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
⽬的:調查函授護理專升本學員健康教育能⼒現狀並分析其影響因素。⽅法:利⽤便利抽樣法,採⽤⼀般資料調查表和中⽂版護⼠健康教育能⼒量表,對某醫學院校 295 名函授護理專升本學員進⾏問卷調查。結果:函授護理專升本學員健康教育能⼒總得分為219.26±35.98 分,總得分率均值為 75.60%,健康教育知識、健康教育技能、健康教育情感和態度維度得分率均值依次為 74.15%、76.10% 和 77.87%。得分排後 5 位的條⽬均集中於健康教育知識維度。前置學歷、所在科室是否開展過健康教育類培訓和平均每⽇患者健康教育時間是函授護理專升本學員健康教育能⼒的影響因素。結論:295 名函授護理專升本學員健康教育能⼒總得分⾼於量表總分的理論中值,但其健康教育知識尚顯薄弱,建議開展針對性強的健康教育培訓,增強其健康教育能⼒,更好地服務城鄉居民,當好「健康管家」。
Objective: To investigate the current status of health education ability of vocational adult nursing undergraduates, and to analyze its influencing factors. Methods: Using convenience sampling method, a total of 295 vocational adult nursing undergraduates were investigated with the general information questionnaire and the Chinese version of the nurses' health education ability scale. Results: The total score of health education ability of 295 vocational adult nursing undergraduates was 219.26±35.98, with an average score rate of 75.60%. The mean score rates of health education knowledge, health education skill, and health education emotion and attitude dimension were 74.15%, 76.10% and 77.87% respectively. The five items with the lowest scores were concentrated in the dimension of health education knowledge. Background education, whether the department has conducted health education training, and the average daily time spent on patient health education were the factors influencing the vocational adult nursing undergraduates' health education ability. Conclusion: Vocational adult nursing undergraduates with total health education ability scores above the theoretical median of the total scale score, but with insufficient knowledge of health education. The well-targeted health education training should be increased for the vocational adult nursing undergraduates to improve their health education ability, so as to empower them to effectively serve as health managers for urban and rural residents.
Nursing; Vocational adult undergraduate; Health education; Ability; Influencing factors