Application of patient reported outcome measures for evaluating recovery-oriented interventions in mental health settings: a scoping review
Sui Lung Wong1*, Pui Wong1, Yun Yu Leung1, Pui Wu Suen1, Tze Man Man1, Kam Ka Hong1, Hei Tung Wong2
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1Kwai Chung Hospital, Hong Kong; 2Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
背景和⽬標:⾹港的護⼠在選擇患者⾃我報告結果測量⼯具來評估復元導向措施的效果時正⾯臨挑戰。這是因為復元導向措施 性質多樣,亦缺乏專⾨為其設計的測量⼯具。本次範籌界定回顧研究旨在審查⾹港常⽤的七種患者⾃我報告結果測量⼯具在不同精神健 康服務的使⽤情況,為護⼠選擇患者⾃我報告結果測量⼯具時提供指導。⽅法:範籌界定回顧研究覆蓋了 196 篇 2012 年至 2022 年間, 從 Medline、CINAHL、Psychiatric Online、Springer Nature Journals 和 DOAJ 中搜索到的相關⽂獻,並最終納入了其中 35 篇。結果:復 元評估問卷(RAS)是最常⽤的⼯具,此外,中⽂版的復元進程問卷(QPR)則與復元為本概念的實踐框架最為配合,其⼼理計量特性 亦較為優秀。然⽽,由於復元導向措施的多樣性,不同的機構亦廣泛使⽤不同的患者⾃我報告結果測量⼯具,因此難以為不同復元導向 措施確定⼀個最佳的患者⾃我報告結果測量⼯具。結論:在進⾏患者⾃我報告結果測量⼯具的選擇時,應考慮和包括精神健康服務使⽤ 者在內的持份者達成共識,再進⾏選擇。從長遠來看,建議開發專⾨針對不同本地臨床環境的測量⼯具。
Context and Objective: Nurses in Hong Kong face challenges in selecting an optimal patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) to evaluate outcome of recovery-oriented interventions (ROIs), due to the diverse nature of ROIs and lack of tailor-made PROM. This scoping review aimed to examine the utilization of seven common PROM in Hong Kong across different ROIs and different mental health institutes, providing guidance for PROM selection. Methods: The scoping review searched relevant literature between 2012 and 2022 from Medline, CINAHL, Psychiatric Online, Springer Nature Journals, and DOAJ. A total of 196 articles were screened, and 35 studies were included. Results: The Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS) emerged as the most frequently used tool. The Chinese version of the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery (QPR) was noted to aligns best with the framework of recovery-oriented practice and has the best psychometric properties. However, the diverse nature of ROIs and the employment of diverse PROM within different institutes indicated that it remains inconclusive what PROM shall be the optimal selection for different ROIs. Conclusion: When selecting the optimal PROM, incorporating stakeholder input, including mental health service consumers, could be a viable approach. In the long run, developing tailored tools for different local clinical contexts is suggested.
Recovery-oriented intervention; Recovery; PROM