A survey study on the professional core competence and its influencing factors among nurses in a hospital in Macau
Liying Wu1,2, Zhuo Yang1, Xi Zhang1, Aimei Mao1*
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1Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau; 2Kiang Wu Hospital of Macau
⽬的:探索澳⾨臨床護⼠核⼼勝任⼒⽔平及其影響因素,期望為護理管理者制定提升護⼠核⼼勝任⼒⼲預措施提供依據。⽅ 法:採⽤橫斷⾯研究設計,便利抽樣。在 2021 年於澳⾨某醫院對 345 名臨床護⼠進⾏問卷調查,以「註冊護⼠核⼼勝任⼒問卷」、「社 會⽀持評定量表」評核護⼠核⼼勝任⼒⽔平以及社會⽀持狀況,並以簡易⼈⼜統計學調查表收集護⼠年齡、⼯作年資、⽂化程度等個⼈ 基本狀況。結果:護⼠核⼼勝任⼒總分值為 156.5±25.82 分(總分為 220 分),處於中等偏上⽔平。⼯作年資、性別、⽂化程度、⼯作部 ⾨對護⼠核⼼勝任⼒的影響有統計學意義(p<0.05)。護⼠社會⽀持總分為 40.21±7.29 分(總分為 66 分),為⼀般⽀持度,護⼠核⼼勝任 ⼒與社會⽀持呈弱正相關關係(r=0.217, p<0.05)。結論:澳⾨某醫院護⼠核⼼勝任⼒⽔平不盡理想,受個⼈因素和⼯作環境的影響。提 ⾼護⼠核⼼勝任⼒⽔平的措施應考量護⼠個⼈和社會因素在內的多重因素的影響,⽅能有效提⾼其核⼼勝任⼒,更好服務病⼈。
Objective: This study aims to explore the status of professional core competence among nurses in a hospital in Macau and identify its influencing factors. The findings will help to provide evidence for nursing managers to develop interventions for enhancing nurses' professional core competence. Methods: A cross-sectional research design was utilized, and a survey was conducted in 2021. A total of 345 clinical nurses were recruited from a hospital in Macau using convenience sampling. Data were collected using the Competency Inventory for Registered Nurses (CIRN) and the Social Support Rate Scale (SSRS). Demographic information, including age, length of employment, and educational background, etc., was obtained through a short questionnaire. Results: The average score for core competence among the nurses was 156.5±25.82 (total score of 220), indicating a moderately high level. Statistically significant effects on professional core competence were observed based on length of employment, gender, educational level, and department (p<0.05). The average score for social support was 40.21±7.29 (total score of 66), reflecting an average level. A weak positive correlation was found between nurses' core competence and social support (r=0.217, p<0.05). Conclusion: The level of professional core competence among nurses is unsatisfactory and is influenced by personal factors and the work environment. The development of interventions to enhance nurses’ core competence should consider both personal and social factors. Such context-specific interventions can lead to improvements in nurses’ core competence and ultimately enhance patient care.
Nurses; Professional core competence; Social support; Survey; Macau